Saturday, March 6, 2010

Em and Jays Wild Adventures!

Hola everyone!
Jay and I are sitting in Costa Rica on our last night after a week of exploring the countryside. Most of you probably don't even know I am of a a little over a week ago I didn't know that I would be here either. But an unexpected turn of events and here I am reunited with my beautiful husband after 10 weeks!

I flew out of Seattle last Saturday night and arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica on Sunday afternoon. Jay and I left on Monday morning for a little place in the rainforest up in los montanas. We celebrated being back together in our own little cabana surrounded by wild jungle. In the morning we were served breakfast in an outdoor restaurant where we could watch the toucans and other colorful birds eat bananas and papayas. Unfortunately the rainforst is...rainy and we spent much of the time cuddling in our cabana (maybe not so unfortunate after all :) We did get one morning of sun and walked about 12 miles through the countryside and hillsides.

After our third day of rain and an unfortunate bout of food poisoning that kept Emily in the bathroom for most of the night and day, we decided to leave early and head to Orosi, a small village known for its beautiful parks and coffee plantations. Here we met Franz ( a very very friendly German) and his wife Janie (who crashed her own plane while piloting at age 19). Obviously a very interesting couple. We stayed at their bed and breakfast on the very top of a mountain overlooking coffee and banana plantations along a beautiful ravine with a river at the bottom. We had our own cabana with hammock and fireplace and although it rained, we still found much to do! On Thursday we hiked into a beautiful rainforest park to a majestic river and waterfall.

Tonight we will have our last dinner before parting ways...Jay will head south towards Panama via motorbike and I will head north to Seattle via air. We love and miss you all!

Love, Emily and Jay
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  1. This is a wonderful relief. I was wondering if you had found something special and wanted to keep it to yourself because you had not posted for a while. Apparently you did. Emily. Miss you and know that you will have great stories to tell upon your return.
    Enjoy Your time.

  2. Hurray! You both look very happy! Looking forward to reading more about your adventures. Jay, I am blown away by your writing, I hope that's something you continue to pursue.

