Monday, February 1, 2010

More Coffee

Here are some photos of a small organic coffee processing plant we visited last week. Above there is a photo of me carrying a bag of beans while walking alongside an aged man. I witnessed this man carry bag after bag of coffee and finally got the courage to ask if he would mind if I tried to carry one. As the kid on the truck set the forehead strap around the bag I asked how much it weighed. 50 kilos was his response. So this little old man who probably weighs in at less than 70 kilos was prancing back and forth with 110lbs slung around his forehead! For a split second I thought it had to be BS until I heard my cervical spine compress under the load on my forhead. You definitely don'd want to get headbutted by these guys... And I'm sure if you are a chiropractor who wants to give away your services there is an endless list of patients...
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