Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Secret Passage

After roaming around Tikal for a couple hours with another tourist, I decide that I really needed a guide if the experience was going to have any value. So when I came across a group of four people and their private guide I asked if I could join. I gave the guide about ten bucks (a much better deal then they got) and joined the group for the rest of the day. Near the end of the tour we ran across one of the other employees at the sight who was obviously looking to make some extra green. He asked our guide if we wanted to see a secret new excavation. Of course these things don't come without cost, ten bucks to be exact, to which I promptly said that I was not interested. The other two couples were intrigued, so we all decided to go for a walk on a skinny path to the supposed "secret spot" where a pristine mask could be seen. Upon arriving at the sight, which was in fact a newer archaeological dig, the guide told me that I could have a look at no charge as long as I kept my mouth shut. So when the cover came off and the older couples with me showed hesitation at climbing into the army ant infested hole I jumped right in. In the small passage was a magnificent mask with a great deal of red paint still on it.

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